API Reference


sanic.app module

class sanic.app.Sanic(name=None, router=None, error_handler=None, load_env=True, request_class=None, strict_slashes=False, log_config=None, configure_logging=True)

Bases: object

add_route(handler, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None, stream=False)

A helper method to register class instance or functions as a handler to the application url routes.

  • handler – function or class instance

  • uri – path of the URL

  • methods – list or tuple of methods allowed, these are overridden if using a HTTPMethodView

  • host

  • strict_slashes

  • version

  • name – user defined route name for url_for

  • stream – boolean specifying if the handler is a stream handler


function or class instance


Schedule a task to run later, after the loop has started. Different from asyncio.ensure_future in that it does not also return a future, and the actual ensure_future call is delayed until before server start.


task – future, couroutine or awaitable

add_websocket_route(handler, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, subprotocols=None, name=None)

A helper method to register a function as a websocket route.

  • handler – a callable function or instance of a class that can handle the websocket request

  • host – Host IP or FQDN details

  • uri – URL path that will be mapped to the websocket handler handler

  • strict_slashes – If the API endpoint needs to terminate with a “/” or not

  • subprotocols – Subprotocols to be used with websocket handshake

  • name – A unique name assigned to the URL so that it can be used with url_for()


Objected decorated by websocket()

property asgi_client
blueprint(blueprint, **options)

Register a blueprint on the application.

  • blueprint – Blueprint object or (list, tuple) thereof

  • options – option dictionary with blueprint defaults




No implementation provided.

async create_server(host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, debug: bool = False, ssl: Union[dict, ssl.SSLContext, None] = None, sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, protocol: Type[asyncio.protocols.Protocol] = None, backlog: int = 100, stop_event: Any = None, access_log: Optional[bool] = None, return_asyncio_server=False, asyncio_server_kwargs=None) → Optional[sanic.server.AsyncioServer]

Asynchronous version of run().

This method will take care of the operations necessary to invoke the before_start events via trigger_events() method invocation before starting the sanic app in Async mode.


This does not support multiprocessing and is not the preferred way to run a Sanic application.

  • host (str) – Address to host on

  • port (int) – Port to host on

  • debug (bool) – Enables debug output (slows server)

  • ssl (SSLContext or dict) – SSLContext, or location of certificate and key for SSL encryption of worker(s)

  • sock (socket) – Socket for the server to accept connections from

  • protocol (type[Protocol]) – Subclass of asyncio Protocol class

  • backlog (int) – a number of unaccepted connections that the system will allow before refusing new connections

  • stop_event (None) – event to be triggered before stopping the app - deprecated

  • access_log (bool) – Enables writing access logs (slows server)

  • return_asyncio_server (bool) – flag that defines whether there’s a need to return asyncio.Server or start it serving right away

  • asyncio_server_kwargs (dict) – key-value arguments for asyncio/uvloop create_server method


AsyncioServer if return_asyncio_server is true, else Nothing

delete(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the DELETE HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to DELETE method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method


Enable or disable the support for websocket.

Websocket is enabled automatically if websocket routes are added to the application.


Decorate a function to be registered as a handler for exceptions


exceptions – exceptions


decorated function

get(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the GET HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to GET method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

async handle_request(request, write_callback, stream_callback)

Take a request from the HTTP Server and return a response object to be sent back The HTTP Server only expects a response object, so exception handling must be done here

  • request – HTTP Request object

  • write_callback – Synchronous response function to be called with the response as the only argument

  • stream_callback – Coroutine that handles streaming a StreamingHTTPResponse if produced by the handler.



head(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Create a listener from a decorated function.


event – event to listen to

property loop

Synonymous with asyncio.get_event_loop().

Only supported when using the app.run method.


Decorate and register middleware to be called before a request. Can either be called as @app.middleware or @app.middleware(‘request’)


middleware_or_request: Optional parameter to use for identifying which type of middleware is being registered.

options(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the OPTIONS HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to OPTIONS method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

patch(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the PATCH HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to PATCH method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

post(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the POST HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to POST method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

put(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the PUT HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to PUT method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

register_blueprint(*args, **kwargs)

Proxy method provided for invoking the blueprint() method


To be deprecated in 1.0. Use blueprint() instead.

  • args – Blueprint object or (list, tuple) thereof

  • kwargs – option dictionary with blueprint defaults



register_listener(listener, event)

Register the listener for a given event.

  • listener – callable i.e. setup_db(app, loop)

  • event – when to register listener i.e. ‘before_server_start’



register_middleware(middleware, attach_to='request')

Register an application level middleware that will be attached to all the API URLs registered under this application.

This method is internally invoked by the middleware() decorator provided at the app level.

  • middleware – Callback method to be attached to the middleware

  • attach_to – The state at which the middleware needs to be invoked in the lifecycle of an HTTP Request. request - Invoke before the request is processed response - Invoke before the response is returned back


decorated method

register_named_middleware(middleware, route_names, attach_to='request')
remove_route(uri, clean_cache=True, host=None)

This method provides the app user a mechanism by which an already existing route can be removed from the Sanic object


remove_route is deprecated in v19.06 and will be removed from future versions.

  • uri – URL Path to be removed from the app

  • clean_cache – Instruct sanic if it needs to clean up the LRU route cache

  • host – IP address or FQDN specific to the host



route(uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Decorate a function to be registered as a route

  • uri – path of the URL

  • methods – list or tuple of methods allowed

  • host

  • strict_slashes

  • stream

  • version

  • name – user defined route name for url_for


tuple of routes, decorated function

run(host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, debug: bool = False, ssl: Union[dict, ssl.SSLContext, None] = None, sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, workers: int = 1, protocol: Type[asyncio.protocols.Protocol] = None, backlog: int = 100, stop_event: Any = None, register_sys_signals: bool = True, access_log: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any) → None

Run the HTTP Server and listen until keyboard interrupt or term signal. On termination, drain connections before closing.

  • host (str) – Address to host on

  • port (int) – Port to host on

  • debug (bool) – Enables debug output (slows server)

  • ssl (SSLContext or dict) – SSLContext, or location of certificate and key for SSL encryption of worker(s)

  • sock (socket) – Socket for the server to accept connections from

  • workers (int) – Number of processes received before it is respected

  • protocol (type[Protocol]) – Subclass of asyncio Protocol class

  • backlog (int) – a number of unaccepted connections that the system will allow before refusing new connections

  • stop_event (None) – event to be triggered before stopping the app - deprecated

  • register_sys_signals (bool) – Register SIG* events

  • access_log (bool) – Enables writing access logs (slows server)



static(uri, file_or_directory, pattern='/?.+', use_modified_since=True, use_content_range=False, stream_large_files=False, name='static', host=None, strict_slashes=None, content_type=None)

Register a root to serve files from. The input can either be a file or a directory. This method will enable an easy and simple way to setup the Route necessary to serve the static files.

  • uri – URL path to be used for serving static content

  • file_or_directory – Path for the Static file/directory with static files

  • pattern – Regex Pattern identifying the valid static files

  • use_modified_since – If true, send file modified time, and return not modified if the browser’s matches the server’s

  • use_content_range – If true, process header for range requests and sends the file part that is requested

  • stream_large_files – If true, use the StreamingHTTPResponse.file_stream() handler rather than the HTTPResponse.file() handler to send the file. If this is an integer, this represents the threshold size to switch to StreamingHTTPResponse.file_stream()

  • name – user defined name used for url_for

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • content_type – user defined content type for header




This kills the Sanic

property test_client
async trigger_events(events, loop)

Trigger events (functions or async) :param events: one or more sync or async functions to execute :param loop: event loop

url_for(view_name: str, **kwargs)

Build a URL based on a view name and the values provided.

In order to build a URL, all request parameters must be supplied as keyword arguments, and each parameter must pass the test for the specified parameter type. If these conditions are not met, a URLBuildError will be thrown.

Keyword arguments that are not request parameters will be included in the output URL’s query string.

  • view_name – string referencing the view name

  • **kwargs – keys and values that are used to build request parameters and query string arguments.


the built URL



websocket(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, subprotocols=None, name=None)

Decorate a function to be registered as a websocket route

  • uri – path of the URL

  • host – Host IP or FQDN details

  • strict_slashes – If the API endpoint needs to terminate with a “/” or not

  • subprotocols – optional list of str with supported subprotocols

  • name – A unique name assigned to the URL so that it can be used with url_for()


tuple of routes, decorated function

sanic.blueprints module

class sanic.blueprints.Blueprint(name, url_prefix=None, host=None, version=None, strict_slashes=None)

Bases: object

add_route(handler, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None, stream=False)

Create a blueprint route from a function.

  • handler – function for handling uri requests. Accepts function, or class instance with a view_class method.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • methods – list of acceptable HTTP methods.

  • host – IP Address of FQDN for the sanic server to use.

  • strict_slashes – Enforce the API urls are requested with a training /

  • version – Blueprint Version

  • name – user defined route name for url_for

  • stream – boolean specifying if the handler is a stream handler


function or class instance

add_websocket_route(handler, uri, host=None, version=None, name=None)

Create a blueprint websocket route from a function.

  • handler – function for handling uri requests. Accepts function, or class instance with a view_class method.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • host – IP Address of FQDN for the sanic server to use.

  • version – Blueprint Version

  • name – Unique name to identify the Websocket Route


function or class instance

delete(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the DELETE HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to DELETE method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

exception(*args, **kwargs)

This method enables the process of creating a global exception handler for the current blueprint under question.

  • args – List of Python exceptions to be caught by the handler

  • kwargs – Additional optional arguments to be passed to the exception handler

:return a decorated method to handle global exceptions for any

route registered under this blueprint.

get(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the GET HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to GET method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

static group(*blueprints, url_prefix='')

Create a list of blueprints, optionally grouping them under a general URL prefix.

  • blueprints – blueprints to be registered as a group

  • url_prefix – URL route to be prepended to all sub-prefixes

head(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the HEAD HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to HEAD method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method


Create a listener from a decorated function.


event – Event to listen to.

middleware(*args, **kwargs)

Create a blueprint middleware from a decorated function.

  • args – Positional arguments to be used while invoking the middleware

  • kwargs – optional keyword args that can be used with the middleware.

options(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the OPTIONS HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to OPTIONS method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

patch(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the PATCH HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to PATCH method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

post(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the POST HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to POST method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

put(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the PUT HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to PUT method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

register(app, options)

Register the blueprint to the sanic app.

  • app – Instance of sanic.app.Sanic class

  • options – Options to be used while registering the blueprint into the app. url_prefix - URL Prefix to override the blueprint prefix

route(uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Create a blueprint route from a decorated function.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • methods – list of acceptable HTTP methods.

  • host – IP Address of FQDN for the sanic server to use.

  • strict_slashes – Enforce the API urls are requested with a training /

  • stream – If the route should provide a streaming support

  • version – Blueprint Version

  • name – Unique name to identify the Route

:return a decorated method that when invoked will return an object

of type FutureRoute

static(uri, file_or_directory, *args, **kwargs)

Create a blueprint static route from a decorated function.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • file_or_directory – Static asset.

websocket(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Create a blueprint websocket route from a decorated function.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • host – IP Address of FQDN for the sanic server to use.

  • strict_slashes – Enforce the API urls are requested with a training /

  • version – Blueprint Version

  • name – Unique name to identify the Websocket Route

class sanic.blueprints.FutureException(handler, args, kwargs)

Bases: tuple

property args

Alias for field number 1

property handler

Alias for field number 0

property kwargs

Alias for field number 2

class sanic.blueprints.FutureListener(handler, uri, methods, host)

Bases: tuple

property handler

Alias for field number 0

property host

Alias for field number 3

property methods

Alias for field number 2

property uri

Alias for field number 1

class sanic.blueprints.FutureMiddleware(middleware, args, kwargs)

Bases: tuple

property args

Alias for field number 1

property kwargs

Alias for field number 2

property middleware

Alias for field number 0

class sanic.blueprints.FutureRoute(handler, uri, methods, host, strict_slashes, stream, version, name)

Bases: tuple

property handler

Alias for field number 0

property host

Alias for field number 3

property methods

Alias for field number 2

property name

Alias for field number 7

property stream

Alias for field number 5

property strict_slashes

Alias for field number 4

property uri

Alias for field number 1

property version

Alias for field number 6

class sanic.blueprints.FutureStatic(uri, file_or_directory, args, kwargs)

Bases: tuple

property args

Alias for field number 2

property file_or_directory

Alias for field number 1

property kwargs

Alias for field number 3

property uri

Alias for field number 0

sanic.blueprint_group module

class sanic.blueprint_group.BlueprintGroup(url_prefix=None)

Bases: collections.abc.MutableSequence

This class provides a mechanism to implement a Blueprint Group using the group() method in Blueprint. To avoid having to re-write some of the existing implementation, this class provides a custom iterator implementation that will let you use the object of this class as a list/tuple inside the existing implementation.

property blueprints

Retrieve a list of all the available blueprints under this group. :return: List of Blueprint instance

insert(index: int, item: object) → None

The Abstract class MutableSequence leverages this insert method to perform the BlueprintGroup.append operation.

  • index – Index to use for removing a new Blueprint item

  • item – New Blueprint object.



middleware(*args, **kwargs)

A decorator that can be used to implement a Middleware plugin to all of the Blueprints that belongs to this specific Blueprint Group.

In case of nested Blueprint Groups, the same middleware is applied across each of the Blueprints recursively.

  • args – Optional positional Parameters to be use middleware

  • kwargs – Optional Keyword arg to use with Middleware


Partial function to apply the middleware

property url_prefix

Retrieve the URL prefix being used for the Current Blueprint Group :return: string with url prefix

sanic.config module

class sanic.config.Config(defaults=None, load_env=True, keep_alive=None)

Bases: dict


Load a configuration from an environment variable pointing to a configuration file.


variable_name – name of the environment variable


bool. True if able to load config, False otherwise.


Update the values from the given object. Objects are usually either modules or classes.

Just the uppercase variables in that object are stored in the config. Example usage:

from yourapplication import default_config

or also:

You should not use this function to load the actual configuration but rather configuration defaults. The actual config should be loaded with from_pyfile() and ideally from a location not within the package because the package might be installed system wide.


obj – an object holding the configuration


Update the values in the config from a Python file. Only the uppercase variables in that module are stored in the config.


filename – an absolute path to the config file


Looks for prefixed environment variables and applies them to the configuration if present.


This function was borrowed from distutils.utils. While distutils is part of stdlib, it feels odd to use distutils in main application code.

The function was modified to walk its talk and actually return bool and not int.

sanic.constants module

sanic.cookies module

class sanic.cookies.Cookie(key, value)

Bases: dict

A stripped down version of Morsel from SimpleCookie #gottagofast


Encode the cookie content in a specific type of encoding instructed by the developer. Leverages the str.encode() method provided by python.

This method can be used to encode and embed utf-8 content into the cookies.


encoding – Encoding to be used with the cookie


Cookie encoded in a codec of choosing.



class sanic.cookies.CookieJar(headers)

Bases: dict

CookieJar dynamically writes headers as cookies are added and removed It gets around the limitation of one header per name by using the MultiHeader class to provide a unique key that encodes to Set-Cookie.

sanic.exceptions module

exception sanic.exceptions.ContentRangeError(message, content_range)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

status_code = 416
exception sanic.exceptions.FileNotFound(message, path, relative_url)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.NotFound

exception sanic.exceptions.Forbidden(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

status_code = 403
exception sanic.exceptions.HeaderExpectationFailed(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

status_code = 417
exception sanic.exceptions.HeaderNotFound(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.InvalidUsage

exception sanic.exceptions.InvalidRangeType(message, content_range)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.ContentRangeError

exception sanic.exceptions.InvalidUsage(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

status_code = 400
exception sanic.exceptions.MethodNotSupported(message, method, allowed_methods)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

status_code = 405
exception sanic.exceptions.NotFound(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

status_code = 404
exception sanic.exceptions.PayloadTooLarge(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

status_code = 413
exception sanic.exceptions.PyFileError(file)

Bases: Exception

exception sanic.exceptions.RequestTimeout(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

The Web server (running the Web site) thinks that there has been too long an interval of time between 1) the establishment of an IP connection (socket) between the client and the server and 2) the receipt of any data on that socket, so the server has dropped the connection. The socket connection has actually been lost - the Web server has ‘timed out’ on that particular socket connection.

status_code = 408
exception sanic.exceptions.SanicException(message, status_code=None)

Bases: Exception

exception sanic.exceptions.ServerError(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

status_code = 500
exception sanic.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). Generally, this is a temporary state.

status_code = 503
exception sanic.exceptions.URLBuildError(message, status_code=None)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.ServerError

exception sanic.exceptions.Unauthorized(message, status_code=None, scheme=None, **kwargs)

Bases: sanic.exceptions.SanicException

Unauthorized exception (401 HTTP status code).

  • message – Message describing the exception.

  • status_code – HTTP Status code.

  • scheme – Name of the authentication scheme to be used.

When present, kwargs is used to complete the WWW-Authentication header.


# With a Basic auth-scheme, realm MUST be present:
raise Unauthorized("Auth required.",
                   realm="Restricted Area")

# With a Digest auth-scheme, things are a bit more complicated:
raise Unauthorized("Auth required.",
                   realm="Restricted Area",
                   qop="auth, auth-int",

# With a Bearer auth-scheme, realm is optional so you can write:
raise Unauthorized("Auth required.", scheme="Bearer")

# or, if you want to specify the realm:
raise Unauthorized("Auth required.",
                   realm="Restricted Area")
status_code = 401
sanic.exceptions.abort(status_code, message=None)

Raise an exception based on SanicException. Returns the HTTP response message appropriate for the given status code, unless provided.

  • status_code – The HTTP status code to return.

  • message – The HTTP response body. Defaults to the messages in response.py for the given status code.


Decorator used for adding exceptions to SanicException.

sanic.handlers module

class sanic.handlers.ContentRangeHandler(request, stats)

Bases: object

A mechanism to parse and process the incoming request headers to extract the content range information.

  • request (sanic.request.Request) – Incoming api request

  • stats (posix.stat_result) – Stats related to the content

class sanic.handlers.ErrorHandler

Bases: object

Provide sanic.app.Sanic application with a mechanism to handle and process any and all uncaught exceptions in a way the application developer will set fit.

This error handling framework is built into the core that can be extended by the developers to perform a wide range of tasks from recording the error stats to reporting them to an external service that can be used for realtime alerting system.

add(exception, handler)

Add a new exception handler to an already existing handler object.

  • exception (sanic.exceptions.SanicException or Exception) – Type of exception that need to be handled

  • handler (function) – Reference to the method that will handle the exception



cached_handlers = None
default(request, exception)

Provide a default behavior for the objects of ErrorHandler. If a developer chooses to extent the ErrorHandler they can provide a custom implementation for this method to behave in a way they see fit.


handlers = None
log(message, level='error')

Deprecated, do not use.


Lookup the existing instance of ErrorHandler and fetch the registered handler for a specific type of exception.

This method leverages a dict lookup to speedup the retrieval process.


exception (sanic.exceptions.SanicException or Exception) – Type of exception


Registered function if found None otherwise

response(request, exception)

Fetches and executes an exception handler and returns a response object


Wrap the return value obtained from default() or registered handler for that type of exception.

sanic.log module

sanic.request module

class sanic.request.File(type, body, name)

Bases: tuple

property body

Alias for field number 1

property name

Alias for field number 2

property type

Alias for field number 0

class sanic.request.Request(url_bytes, headers, version, method, transport, app)

Bases: object

Properties of an HTTP request such as URL, headers, etc.

property args

Method to parse query_string using urllib.parse.parse_qs. This methods is used by args property. Can be used directly if you need to change default parameters.

  • keep_blank_values (bool) – flag indicating whether blank values in percent-encoded queries should be treated as blank strings. A true value indicates that blanks should be retained as blank strings. The default false value indicates that blank values are to be ignored and treated as if they were not included.

  • strict_parsing (bool) – flag indicating what to do with parsing errors. If false (the default), errors are silently ignored. If true, errors raise a ValueError exception.

  • encoding (str) – specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.

  • errors (str) – specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.



property content_type
property cookies
property files
property form
property forwarded
get(key, default=None)

Deprecated since version 19.9.

Custom context is now stored in request.custom_context.yourkey

get_args(keep_blank_values: bool = False, strict_parsing: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'replace') → sanic.request.RequestParameters

Method to parse query_string using urllib.parse.parse_qs. This methods is used by args property. Can be used directly if you need to change default parameters.

  • keep_blank_values (bool) – flag indicating whether blank values in percent-encoded queries should be treated as blank strings. A true value indicates that blanks should be retained as blank strings. The default false value indicates that blank values are to be ignored and treated as if they were not included.

  • strict_parsing (bool) – flag indicating what to do with parsing errors. If false (the default), errors are silently ignored. If true, errors raise a ValueError exception.

  • encoding (str) – specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.

  • errors (str) – specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.



get_query_args(keep_blank_values: bool = False, strict_parsing: bool = False, encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'replace') → list

Method to parse query_string using urllib.parse.parse_qsl. This methods is used by query_args property. Can be used directly if you need to change default parameters.

  • keep_blank_values (bool) – flag indicating whether blank values in percent-encoded queries should be treated as blank strings. A true value indicates that blanks should be retained as blank strings. The default false value indicates that blank values are to be ignored and treated as if they were not included.

  • strict_parsing (bool) – flag indicating what to do with parsing errors. If false (the default), errors are silently ignored. If true, errors raise a ValueError exception.

  • encoding (str) – specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.

  • errors (str) – specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.



property host

proxied or direct Host header. Hostname and port number may be separated by sanic.headers.parse_host(request.host).

property ip

peer ip of the socket

property json
load_json(loads=<built-in function loads>)
property match_info

return matched info after resolving route

property path
property port

peer port of the socket

property query_args

Method to parse query_string using urllib.parse.parse_qsl. This methods is used by query_args property. Can be used directly if you need to change default parameters.

  • keep_blank_values (bool) – flag indicating whether blank values in percent-encoded queries should be treated as blank strings. A true value indicates that blanks should be retained as blank strings. The default false value indicates that blank values are to be ignored and treated as if they were not included.

  • strict_parsing (bool) – flag indicating what to do with parsing errors. If false (the default), errors are silently ignored. If true, errors raise a ValueError exception.

  • encoding (str) – specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.

  • errors (str) – specify how to decode percent-encoded sequences into Unicode characters, as accepted by the bytes.decode() method.



property query_string
property raw_args
property remote_addr

Attempt to return the original client ip based on forwarded, x-forwarded-for or x-real-ip. If HTTP headers are unavailable or untrusted, returns an empty string.


original client ip.

property scheme

Attempt to get the request scheme. Seeking the value in this order: forwarded header, x-forwarded-proto header, x-scheme header, the sanic app itself.


http|https|ws|wss or arbitrary value given by the headers.

Return type


property server_name

Attempt to get the server’s external hostname in this order: config.SERVER_NAME, proxied or direct Host headers Request.host()


the server name without port number

Return type


property server_port

Attempt to get the server’s external port number in this order: config.SERVER_NAME, proxied or direct Host headers Request.host(), actual port used by the transport layer socket. :return: server port :rtype: int

property socket
property token

Attempt to return the auth header token.


token related to request

property url
url_for(view_name, **kwargs)

Same as sanic.Sanic.url_for(), but automatically determine scheme and netloc base on the request. Since this method is aiming to generate correct schema & netloc, _external is implied.


kwargs – takes same parameters as in sanic.Sanic.url_for()


an absolute url to the given view

Return type


class sanic.request.RequestParameters

Bases: dict

Hosts a dict with lists as values where get returns the first value of the list and getlist returns the whole shebang

get(name, default=None)

Return the first value, either the default or actual

getlist(name, default=None)

Return the entire list

class sanic.request.StreamBuffer(buffer_size=100)

Bases: object

property buffer_size
async put(payload)
async read()

Stop reading when gets None

sanic.request.parse_multipart_form(body, boundary)

Parse a request body and returns fields and files

  • body – bytes request body

  • boundary – bytes multipart boundary


fields (RequestParameters), files (RequestParameters)

sanic.response module

class sanic.response.BaseHTTPResponse

Bases: object

property cookies
class sanic.response.HTTPResponse(body=None, status=200, headers=None, content_type=None, body_bytes=b'')

Bases: sanic.response.BaseHTTPResponse

property cookies
output(version='1.1', keep_alive=False, keep_alive_timeout=None)
class sanic.response.StreamingHTTPResponse(streaming_fn, status=200, headers=None, content_type='text/plain', chunked=True)

Bases: sanic.response.BaseHTTPResponse

get_headers(version='1.1', keep_alive=False, keep_alive_timeout=None)
async stream(version='1.1', keep_alive=False, keep_alive_timeout=None)

Streams headers, runs the streaming_fn callback that writes content to the response body, then finalizes the response body.

async write(data)

Writes a chunk of data to the streaming response.


data – bytes-ish data to be written.

sanic.response.empty(status=204, headers=None)

Returns an empty response to the client.

:param status Response code. :param headers Custom Headers.

async sanic.response.file(location, status=200, mime_type=None, headers=None, filename=None, _range=None)

Return a response object with file data.

  • location – Location of file on system.

  • mime_type – Specific mime_type.

  • headers – Custom Headers.

  • filename – Override filename.

  • _range

async sanic.response.file_stream(location, status=200, chunk_size=4096, mime_type=None, headers=None, filename=None, chunked=True, _range=None)

Return a streaming response object with file data.

  • location – Location of file on system.

  • chunk_size – The size of each chunk in the stream (in bytes)

  • mime_type – Specific mime_type.

  • headers – Custom Headers.

  • filename – Override filename.

  • chunked – Enable or disable chunked transfer-encoding

  • _range

sanic.response.html(body, status=200, headers=None)

Returns response object with body in html format.

  • body – Response data to be encoded.

  • status – Response code.

  • headers – Custom Headers.

sanic.response.json(body, status=200, headers=None, content_type='application/json', dumps=<built-in function dumps>, **kwargs)

Returns response object with body in json format.

  • body – Response data to be serialized.

  • status – Response code.

  • headers – Custom Headers.

  • kwargs – Remaining arguments that are passed to the json encoder.

sanic.response.raw(body, status=200, headers=None, content_type='application/octet-stream')

Returns response object without encoding the body.

  • body – Response data.

  • status – Response code.

  • headers – Custom Headers.

  • content_type – the content type (string) of the response.

sanic.response.redirect(to, headers=None, status=302, content_type='text/html; charset=utf-8')

Abort execution and cause a 302 redirect (by default).

  • to – path or fully qualified URL to redirect to

  • headers – optional dict of headers to include in the new request

  • status – status code (int) of the new request, defaults to 302

  • content_type – the content type (string) of the response


the redirecting Response

sanic.response.stream(streaming_fn, status=200, headers=None, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8', chunked=True)

Accepts an coroutine streaming_fn which can be used to write chunks to a streaming response. Returns a StreamingHTTPResponse.

Example usage:

async def index(request):
    async def streaming_fn(response):
        await response.write('foo')
        await response.write('bar')

    return stream(streaming_fn, content_type='text/plain')
  • streaming_fn – A coroutine accepts a response and writes content to that response.

  • mime_type – Specific mime_type.

  • headers – Custom Headers.

  • chunked – Enable or disable chunked transfer-encoding

sanic.response.text(body, status=200, headers=None, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8')

Returns response object with body in text format.

  • body – Response data to be encoded.

  • status – Response code.

  • headers – Custom Headers.

  • content_type – the content type (string) of the response

sanic.router module

class sanic.router.Parameter(name, cast)

Bases: tuple

property cast

Alias for field number 1

property name

Alias for field number 0

exception sanic.router.ParameterNameConflicts

Bases: Exception

class sanic.router.Route(handler, methods, pattern, parameters, name, uri)

Bases: tuple

property handler

Alias for field number 0

property methods

Alias for field number 1

property name

Alias for field number 4

property parameters

Alias for field number 3

property pattern

Alias for field number 2

property uri

Alias for field number 5

exception sanic.router.RouteDoesNotExist

Bases: Exception

exception sanic.router.RouteExists

Bases: Exception

class sanic.router.Router

Bases: object

Router supports basic routing with parameters and method checks


@sanic.route('/my/url/<my_param>', methods=['GET', 'POST', ...])
def my_route(request, my_param):
    do stuff...


@sanic.route('/my/url/<my_param:my_type>', methods['GET', 'POST', ...])
def my_route_with_type(request, my_param: my_type):
    do stuff...

Parameters will be passed as keyword arguments to the request handling function. Provided parameters can also have a type by appending :type to the <parameter>. Given parameter must be able to be type-casted to this. If no type is provided, a string is expected. A regular expression can also be passed in as the type. The argument given to the function will always be a string, independent of the type.

add(uri, methods, handler, host=None, strict_slashes=False, version=None, name=None)

Add a handler to the route list

  • uri – path to match

  • methods – sequence of accepted method names. If none are provided, any method is allowed

  • handler – request handler function. When executed, it should provide a response object.

  • strict_slashes – strict to trailing slash

  • version – current version of the route or blueprint. See docs for further details.



static check_dynamic_route_exists(pattern, routes_to_check, parameters)

Check if a URL pattern exists in a list of routes provided based on the comparison of URL pattern and the parameters.

  • pattern – URL parameter pattern

  • routes_to_check – list of dynamic routes either hashable or unhashable routes.

  • parameters – List of Parameter items


Tuple of index and route if matching route exists else -1 for index and None for route


Find a route in the router based on the specified view name.

  • view_name – string of view name to search by

  • kwargs – additional params, usually for static files


tuple containing (uri, Route)


Get a request handler based on the URL of the request, or raises an error


request – Request object


handler, arguments, keyword arguments


Get a list of supported methods for a url and optional host.


url – URL string (including host)


frozenset of supported methods


Handler for request is stream or not. :param request: Request object :return: bool

parameter_pattern = re.compile('<(.+?)>')
classmethod parse_parameter_string(parameter_string)

Parse a parameter string into its constituent name, type, and pattern

For example:

parse_parameter_string('<param_one:[A-z]>')` ->
    ('param_one', str, '[A-z]')

parameter_string – String to parse


tuple containing (parameter_name, parameter_type, parameter_pattern)

remove(uri, clean_cache=True, host=None)
routes_always_check = None
routes_dynamic = None
routes_static = None

sanic.server module

class sanic.server.AsyncioServer(loop, serve_coro, connections, after_start, before_stop, after_stop)

Bases: object

Wraps an asyncio server with functionality that might be useful to a user who needs to manage the server lifecycle manually.


Trigger “after_server_start” events


Trigger “after_server_stop” events


Trigger “before_server_stop” events

class sanic.server.HttpProtocol(*, loop, app, request_handler, error_handler, signal=<sanic.server.Signal object>, connections=None, request_timeout=60, response_timeout=60, keep_alive_timeout=5, request_max_size=None, request_buffer_queue_size=100, request_class=None, access_log=True, keep_alive=True, is_request_stream=False, router=None, state=None, debug=False, **kwargs)

Bases: asyncio.protocols.Protocol

This class provides a basic HTTP implementation of the sanic framework.

bail_out(message, from_error=False)

In case if the transport pipes are closed and the sanic app encounters an error while writing data to the transport pipe, we log the error with proper details.

  • message (str) – Error message to display

  • from_error (bool) – If the bail out was invoked while handling an exception scenario.



async body_append(body)

This is called when KeepAlive feature is used, it resets the connection in order for it to be able to handle receiving another request on the same connection.


Force close the connection.


Close the connection if a request is not being sent or received


boolean - True if closed, false if staying open


Called when the connection is lost or closed.

The argument is an exception object or None (the latter meaning a regular EOF is received or the connection was aborted or closed).


Called when a connection is made.

The argument is the transport representing the pipe connection. To receive data, wait for data_received() calls. When the connection is closed, connection_lost() is called.


Called when some data is received.

The argument is a bytes object.

async drain()

Invoke the request handler defined by the sanic.app.Sanic.handle_request() method




Handler for Expect Header.

property keep_alive

Check if the connection needs to be kept alive based on the params attached to the _keep_alive attribute, Signal.stopped and HttpProtocol.parser.should_keep_alive()


True if connection is to be kept alive False else


Check if elapsed time since last response exceeds our configured maximum keep alive timeout value and if so, close the transport pipe and let the response writer handle the error.




Helper method provided to enable the logging of responses in case if the HttpProtocol.access_log is enabled.


response (sanic.response.HTTPResponse or sanic.response.StreamingHTTPResponse) – Response generated for the current request



on_header(name, value)

Called when the transport’s buffer goes over the high-water mark.

Pause and resume calls are paired – pause_writing() is called once when the buffer goes strictly over the high-water mark (even if subsequent writes increases the buffer size even more), and eventually resume_writing() is called once when the buffer size reaches the low-water mark.

Note that if the buffer size equals the high-water mark, pause_writing() is not called – it must go strictly over. Conversely, resume_writing() is called when the buffer size is equal or lower than the low-water mark. These end conditions are important to ensure that things go as expected when either mark is zero.

NOTE: This is the only Protocol callback that is not called through EventLoop.call_soon() – if it were, it would have no effect when it’s most needed (when the app keeps writing without yielding until pause_writing() is called).

async push_data(data)

Called when the transport’s buffer drains below the low-water mark.

See pause_writing() for details.

async stream_append()
async stream_response(response)

Streams a response to the client asynchronously. Attaches the transport to the response so the response consumer can write to the response as needed.


Writes response content synchronously to the transport.

class sanic.server.Signal

Bases: object

stopped = False
sanic.server.serve(host, port, app, request_handler, error_handler, before_start=None, after_start=None, before_stop=None, after_stop=None, debug=False, request_timeout=60, response_timeout=60, keep_alive_timeout=5, ssl=None, sock=None, request_max_size=None, request_buffer_queue_size=100, reuse_port=False, loop=None, protocol=<class 'sanic.server.HttpProtocol'>, backlog=100, register_sys_signals=True, run_multiple=False, run_async=False, connections=None, signal=<sanic.server.Signal object>, request_class=None, access_log=True, keep_alive=True, is_request_stream=False, router=None, websocket_max_size=None, websocket_max_queue=None, websocket_read_limit=65536, websocket_write_limit=65536, state=None, graceful_shutdown_timeout=15.0, asyncio_server_kwargs=None)

Start asynchronous HTTP Server on an individual process.

  • host – Address to host on

  • port – Port to host on

  • request_handler – Sanic request handler with middleware

  • error_handler – Sanic error handler with middleware

  • before_start – function to be executed before the server starts listening. Takes arguments app instance and loop

  • after_start – function to be executed after the server starts listening. Takes arguments app instance and loop

  • before_stop – function to be executed when a stop signal is received before it is respected. Takes arguments app instance and loop

  • after_stop – function to be executed when a stop signal is received after it is respected. Takes arguments app instance and loop

  • debug – enables debug output (slows server)

  • request_timeout – time in seconds

  • response_timeout – time in seconds

  • keep_alive_timeout – time in seconds

  • ssl – SSLContext

  • sock – Socket for the server to accept connections from

  • request_max_size – size in bytes, None for no limit

  • reuse_portTrue for multiple workers

  • loop – asyncio compatible event loop

  • protocol – subclass of asyncio protocol class

  • run_async – bool: Do not create a new event loop for the server, and return an AsyncServer object rather than running it

  • request_class – Request class to use

  • access_log – disable/enable access log

  • websocket_max_size – enforces the maximum size for incoming messages in bytes.

  • websocket_max_queue – sets the maximum length of the queue that holds incoming messages.

  • websocket_read_limit – sets the high-water limit of the buffer for incoming bytes, the low-water limit is half the high-water limit.

  • websocket_write_limit – sets the high-water limit of the buffer for outgoing bytes, the low-water limit is a quarter of the high-water limit.

  • is_request_stream – disable/enable Request.stream

  • request_buffer_queue_size – streaming request buffer queue size

  • router – Router object

  • graceful_shutdown_timeout – How long take to Force close non-idle connection

  • asyncio_server_kwargs – key-value args for asyncio/uvloop create_server method



sanic.server.serve_multiple(server_settings, workers)

Start multiple server processes simultaneously. Stop on interrupt and terminate signals, and drain connections when complete.

  • server_settings – kw arguments to be passed to the serve function

  • workers – number of workers to launch

  • stop_event – if provided, is used as a stop signal


sanic.server.trigger_events(events, loop)

Trigger event callbacks (functions or async)

  • events – one or more sync or async functions to execute

  • loop – event loop

sanic.static module

sanic.static.register(app, uri, file_or_directory, pattern, use_modified_since, use_content_range, stream_large_files, name='static', host=None, strict_slashes=None, content_type=None)

Register a static directory handler with Sanic by adding a route to the router and registering a handler.

  • app – Sanic

  • file_or_directory – File or directory path to serve from

  • uri – URL to serve from

  • pattern – regular expression used to match files in the URL

  • use_modified_since – If true, send file modified time, and return not modified if the browser’s matches the server’s

  • use_content_range – If true, process header for range requests and sends the file part that is requested

  • stream_large_files – If true, use the file_stream() handler rather than the file() handler to send the file If this is an integer, this represents the threshold size to switch to file_stream()

  • name – user defined name used for url_for

  • content_type – user defined content type for header

sanic.testing module

class sanic.testing.SanicASGIDispatch(app: Callable, raise_app_exceptions: bool = True, root_path: str = '', client: Tuple[str, int] = ('', 123))

Bases: httpx.dispatch.asgi.ASGIDispatch

class sanic.testing.SanicASGITestClient(app, base_url: str = 'http://mockserver', suppress_exceptions: bool = False)

Bases: httpx.client.Client

async request(method, url, gather_request=True, *args, **kwargs)
async websocket(uri, subprotocols=None, *args, **kwargs)
class sanic.testing.SanicTestClient(app, port=42101, host='')

Bases: object

delete(*args, **kwargs)
get(*args, **kwargs)
head(*args, **kwargs)
options(*args, **kwargs)
patch(*args, **kwargs)
post(*args, **kwargs)
put(*args, **kwargs)
websocket(*args, **kwargs)
class sanic.testing.TestASGIApp

Bases: sanic.asgi.ASGIApp

async sanic.testing.app_call_with_return(self, scope, receive, send)

sanic.views module

class sanic.views.CompositionView

Bases: object

Simple method-function mapped view for the sanic. You can add handler functions to methods (get, post, put, patch, delete) for every HTTP method you want to support.

For example:

view = CompositionView() view.add([‘GET’], lambda request: text(‘I am get method’)) view.add([‘POST’, ‘PUT’], lambda request: text(‘I am post/put method’))


If someone tries to use a non-implemented method, there will be a 405 response.

add(methods, handler, stream=False)
class sanic.views.HTTPMethodView

Bases: object

Simple class based implementation of view for the sanic. You should implement methods (get, post, put, patch, delete) for the class to every HTTP method you want to support.

For example:

class DummyView(HTTPMethodView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return text('I am get method')
    def put(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return text('I am put method')


If someone tries to use a non-implemented method, there will be a 405 response.

If you need any url params just mention them in method definition:

class DummyView(HTTPMethodView):
    def get(self, request, my_param_here, *args, **kwargs):
        return text('I am get method with %s' % my_param_here)
To add the view into the routing you could use
  1. app.add_route(DummyView.as_view(), ‘/’)

  2. app.route(‘/’)(DummyView.as_view())

To add any decorator you could set it into decorators variable

classmethod as_view(*class_args, **class_kwargs)

Return view function for use with the routing system, that dispatches request to appropriate handler method.

decorators = []
dispatch_request(request, *args, **kwargs)

sanic.websocket module

exception sanic.websocket.ConnectionClosed(code, reason)

Bases: websockets.exceptions.InvalidState

Exception raised when trying to read or write on a closed connection.

Provides the connection close code and reason in its code and reason attributes respectively.

class sanic.websocket.WebSocketProtocol(*args, websocket_timeout=10, websocket_max_size=None, websocket_max_queue=None, websocket_read_limit=65536, websocket_write_limit=65536, **kwargs)

Bases: sanic.server.HttpProtocol


Called when the connection is lost or closed.

The argument is an exception object or None (the latter meaning a regular EOF is received or the connection was aborted or closed).


Called when some data is received.

The argument is a bytes object.


Check if elapsed time since last response exceeds our configured maximum keep alive timeout value and if so, close the transport pipe and let the response writer handle the error.



async websocket_handshake(request, subprotocols=None)

Writes response content synchronously to the transport.

class sanic.websocket.WebSocketConnection(send: Callable[MutableMapping[str, Any], Awaitable[None]], receive: Callable[Awaitable[MutableMapping[str, Any]]])

Bases: object

async accept() → None
async close() → None
async receive(*args, **kwargs) → Optional[str]
async recv(*args, **kwargs) → Optional[str]
async send(data: Union[str, bytes], *args, **kwargs) → None

sanic.worker module

Module contents

class sanic.Sanic(name=None, router=None, error_handler=None, load_env=True, request_class=None, strict_slashes=False, log_config=None, configure_logging=True)

Bases: object

add_route(handler, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None, stream=False)

A helper method to register class instance or functions as a handler to the application url routes.

  • handler – function or class instance

  • uri – path of the URL

  • methods – list or tuple of methods allowed, these are overridden if using a HTTPMethodView

  • host

  • strict_slashes

  • version

  • name – user defined route name for url_for

  • stream – boolean specifying if the handler is a stream handler


function or class instance


Schedule a task to run later, after the loop has started. Different from asyncio.ensure_future in that it does not also return a future, and the actual ensure_future call is delayed until before server start.


task – future, couroutine or awaitable

add_websocket_route(handler, uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, subprotocols=None, name=None)

A helper method to register a function as a websocket route.

  • handler – a callable function or instance of a class that can handle the websocket request

  • host – Host IP or FQDN details

  • uri – URL path that will be mapped to the websocket handler handler

  • strict_slashes – If the API endpoint needs to terminate with a “/” or not

  • subprotocols – Subprotocols to be used with websocket handshake

  • name – A unique name assigned to the URL so that it can be used with url_for()


Objected decorated by websocket()

property asgi_client
blueprint(blueprint, **options)

Register a blueprint on the application.

  • blueprint – Blueprint object or (list, tuple) thereof

  • options – option dictionary with blueprint defaults




No implementation provided.

async create_server(host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, debug: bool = False, ssl: Union[dict, ssl.SSLContext, None] = None, sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, protocol: Type[asyncio.protocols.Protocol] = None, backlog: int = 100, stop_event: Any = None, access_log: Optional[bool] = None, return_asyncio_server=False, asyncio_server_kwargs=None) → Optional[sanic.server.AsyncioServer]

Asynchronous version of run().

This method will take care of the operations necessary to invoke the before_start events via trigger_events() method invocation before starting the sanic app in Async mode.


This does not support multiprocessing and is not the preferred way to run a Sanic application.

  • host (str) – Address to host on

  • port (int) – Port to host on

  • debug (bool) – Enables debug output (slows server)

  • ssl (SSLContext or dict) – SSLContext, or location of certificate and key for SSL encryption of worker(s)

  • sock (socket) – Socket for the server to accept connections from

  • protocol (type[Protocol]) – Subclass of asyncio Protocol class

  • backlog (int) – a number of unaccepted connections that the system will allow before refusing new connections

  • stop_event (None) – event to be triggered before stopping the app - deprecated

  • access_log (bool) – Enables writing access logs (slows server)

  • return_asyncio_server (bool) – flag that defines whether there’s a need to return asyncio.Server or start it serving right away

  • asyncio_server_kwargs (dict) – key-value arguments for asyncio/uvloop create_server method


AsyncioServer if return_asyncio_server is true, else Nothing

delete(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the DELETE HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to DELETE method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method


Enable or disable the support for websocket.

Websocket is enabled automatically if websocket routes are added to the application.


Decorate a function to be registered as a handler for exceptions


exceptions – exceptions


decorated function

get(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the GET HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to GET method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

async handle_request(request, write_callback, stream_callback)

Take a request from the HTTP Server and return a response object to be sent back The HTTP Server only expects a response object, so exception handling must be done here

  • request – HTTP Request object

  • write_callback – Synchronous response function to be called with the response as the only argument

  • stream_callback – Coroutine that handles streaming a StreamingHTTPResponse if produced by the handler.



head(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Create a listener from a decorated function.


event – event to listen to

property loop

Synonymous with asyncio.get_event_loop().

Only supported when using the app.run method.


Decorate and register middleware to be called before a request. Can either be called as @app.middleware or @app.middleware(‘request’)


middleware_or_request: Optional parameter to use for identifying which type of middleware is being registered.

options(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the OPTIONS HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to OPTIONS method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

patch(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the PATCH HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to PATCH method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

post(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the POST HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to POST method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

put(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the PUT HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to PUT method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

register_blueprint(*args, **kwargs)

Proxy method provided for invoking the blueprint() method


To be deprecated in 1.0. Use blueprint() instead.

  • args – Blueprint object or (list, tuple) thereof

  • kwargs – option dictionary with blueprint defaults



register_listener(listener, event)

Register the listener for a given event.

  • listener – callable i.e. setup_db(app, loop)

  • event – when to register listener i.e. ‘before_server_start’



register_middleware(middleware, attach_to='request')

Register an application level middleware that will be attached to all the API URLs registered under this application.

This method is internally invoked by the middleware() decorator provided at the app level.

  • middleware – Callback method to be attached to the middleware

  • attach_to – The state at which the middleware needs to be invoked in the lifecycle of an HTTP Request. request - Invoke before the request is processed response - Invoke before the response is returned back


decorated method

register_named_middleware(middleware, route_names, attach_to='request')
remove_route(uri, clean_cache=True, host=None)

This method provides the app user a mechanism by which an already existing route can be removed from the Sanic object


remove_route is deprecated in v19.06 and will be removed from future versions.

  • uri – URL Path to be removed from the app

  • clean_cache – Instruct sanic if it needs to clean up the LRU route cache

  • host – IP address or FQDN specific to the host



route(uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Decorate a function to be registered as a route

  • uri – path of the URL

  • methods – list or tuple of methods allowed

  • host

  • strict_slashes

  • stream

  • version

  • name – user defined route name for url_for


tuple of routes, decorated function

run(host: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, debug: bool = False, ssl: Union[dict, ssl.SSLContext, None] = None, sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, workers: int = 1, protocol: Type[asyncio.protocols.Protocol] = None, backlog: int = 100, stop_event: Any = None, register_sys_signals: bool = True, access_log: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any) → None

Run the HTTP Server and listen until keyboard interrupt or term signal. On termination, drain connections before closing.

  • host (str) – Address to host on

  • port (int) – Port to host on

  • debug (bool) – Enables debug output (slows server)

  • ssl (SSLContext or dict) – SSLContext, or location of certificate and key for SSL encryption of worker(s)

  • sock (socket) – Socket for the server to accept connections from

  • workers (int) – Number of processes received before it is respected

  • protocol (type[Protocol]) – Subclass of asyncio Protocol class

  • backlog (int) – a number of unaccepted connections that the system will allow before refusing new connections

  • stop_event (None) – event to be triggered before stopping the app - deprecated

  • register_sys_signals (bool) – Register SIG* events

  • access_log (bool) – Enables writing access logs (slows server)



static(uri, file_or_directory, pattern='/?.+', use_modified_since=True, use_content_range=False, stream_large_files=False, name='static', host=None, strict_slashes=None, content_type=None)

Register a root to serve files from. The input can either be a file or a directory. This method will enable an easy and simple way to setup the Route necessary to serve the static files.

  • uri – URL path to be used for serving static content

  • file_or_directory – Path for the Static file/directory with static files

  • pattern – Regex Pattern identifying the valid static files

  • use_modified_since – If true, send file modified time, and return not modified if the browser’s matches the server’s

  • use_content_range – If true, process header for range requests and sends the file part that is requested

  • stream_large_files – If true, use the StreamingHTTPResponse.file_stream() handler rather than the HTTPResponse.file() handler to send the file. If this is an integer, this represents the threshold size to switch to StreamingHTTPResponse.file_stream()

  • name – user defined name used for url_for

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • content_type – user defined content type for header




This kills the Sanic

property test_client
async trigger_events(events, loop)

Trigger events (functions or async) :param events: one or more sync or async functions to execute :param loop: event loop

url_for(view_name: str, **kwargs)

Build a URL based on a view name and the values provided.

In order to build a URL, all request parameters must be supplied as keyword arguments, and each parameter must pass the test for the specified parameter type. If these conditions are not met, a URLBuildError will be thrown.

Keyword arguments that are not request parameters will be included in the output URL’s query string.

  • view_name – string referencing the view name

  • **kwargs – keys and values that are used to build request parameters and query string arguments.


the built URL



websocket(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, subprotocols=None, name=None)

Decorate a function to be registered as a websocket route

  • uri – path of the URL

  • host – Host IP or FQDN details

  • strict_slashes – If the API endpoint needs to terminate with a “/” or not

  • subprotocols – optional list of str with supported subprotocols

  • name – A unique name assigned to the URL so that it can be used with url_for()


tuple of routes, decorated function

class sanic.Blueprint(name, url_prefix=None, host=None, version=None, strict_slashes=None)

Bases: object

add_route(handler, uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None, stream=False)

Create a blueprint route from a function.

  • handler – function for handling uri requests. Accepts function, or class instance with a view_class method.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • methods – list of acceptable HTTP methods.

  • host – IP Address of FQDN for the sanic server to use.

  • strict_slashes – Enforce the API urls are requested with a training /

  • version – Blueprint Version

  • name – user defined route name for url_for

  • stream – boolean specifying if the handler is a stream handler


function or class instance

add_websocket_route(handler, uri, host=None, version=None, name=None)

Create a blueprint websocket route from a function.

  • handler – function for handling uri requests. Accepts function, or class instance with a view_class method.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • host – IP Address of FQDN for the sanic server to use.

  • version – Blueprint Version

  • name – Unique name to identify the Websocket Route


function or class instance

delete(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the DELETE HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to DELETE method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

exception(*args, **kwargs)

This method enables the process of creating a global exception handler for the current blueprint under question.

  • args – List of Python exceptions to be caught by the handler

  • kwargs – Additional optional arguments to be passed to the exception handler

:return a decorated method to handle global exceptions for any

route registered under this blueprint.

get(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the GET HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to GET method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

static group(*blueprints, url_prefix='')

Create a list of blueprints, optionally grouping them under a general URL prefix.

  • blueprints – blueprints to be registered as a group

  • url_prefix – URL route to be prepended to all sub-prefixes

head(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the HEAD HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to HEAD method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method


Create a listener from a decorated function.


event – Event to listen to.

middleware(*args, **kwargs)

Create a blueprint middleware from a decorated function.

  • args – Positional arguments to be used while invoking the middleware

  • kwargs – optional keyword args that can be used with the middleware.

options(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the OPTIONS HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to OPTIONS method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

patch(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the PATCH HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to PATCH method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

post(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the POST HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to POST method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

put(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Add an API URL under the PUT HTTP method

  • uri – URL to be tagged to PUT method of HTTP

  • host – Host IP or FQDN for the service to use

  • strict_slashes – Instruct sanic.app.Sanic to check if the request URLs need to terminate with a /

  • version – API Version

  • name – Unique name that can be used to identify the Route


Object decorated with route() method

register(app, options)

Register the blueprint to the sanic app.

  • app – Instance of sanic.app.Sanic class

  • options – Options to be used while registering the blueprint into the app. url_prefix - URL Prefix to override the blueprint prefix

route(uri, methods=frozenset({'GET'}), host=None, strict_slashes=None, stream=False, version=None, name=None)

Create a blueprint route from a decorated function.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • methods – list of acceptable HTTP methods.

  • host – IP Address of FQDN for the sanic server to use.

  • strict_slashes – Enforce the API urls are requested with a training /

  • stream – If the route should provide a streaming support

  • version – Blueprint Version

  • name – Unique name to identify the Route

:return a decorated method that when invoked will return an object

of type FutureRoute

static(uri, file_or_directory, *args, **kwargs)

Create a blueprint static route from a decorated function.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • file_or_directory – Static asset.

websocket(uri, host=None, strict_slashes=None, version=None, name=None)

Create a blueprint websocket route from a decorated function.

  • uri – endpoint at which the route will be accessible.

  • host – IP Address of FQDN for the sanic server to use.

  • strict_slashes – Enforce the API urls are requested with a training /

  • version – Blueprint Version

  • name – Unique name to identify the Websocket Route