
Sanic provides an easy to user abstraction on top of websockets. To setup a WebSocket:

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import json
from sanic.websocket import WebSocketProtocol

app = Sanic()

async def feed(request, ws):
    while True:
        data = 'hello!'
        print('Sending: ' + data)
        await ws.send(data)
        data = await ws.recv()
        print('Received: ' + data)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run(host="", port=8000, protocol=WebSocketProtocol)

Alternatively, the app.add_websocket_route method can be used instead of the decorator:

async def feed(request, ws):

app.add_websocket_route(feed, '/feed')

Handlers for a WebSocket route is invoked with the request as first argument, and a WebSocket protocol object as second argument. The protocol object has send and recv methods to send and receive data respectively.

You could setup your own WebSocket configuration through app.config, like

app.config.WEBSOCKET_MAX_SIZE = 2 ** 20
app.config.WEBSOCKET_MAX_QUEUE = 32
app.config.WEBSOCKET_READ_LIMIT = 2 ** 16
app.config.WEBSOCKET_WRITE_LIMIT = 2 ** 16

Find more in Configuration section.